So, this is not exactly the way this little outing was supposed to go. Actually, as much as JD was hoping for some sort of gig to distract them earlier, this isn’t what they had in mind… At all.
You know, being… Stuck in a closet full of janitorial cleaning fluids, mops buckets, that sort of thing. It might seem, due to JD’s history that they’d be comfortable in a space like this. But right now they’re stuck here, peering out through a small crack they left the door open with to spy on someone who just showed up. Interrupting JD’s evening of laundry and miserable musings… about why the hell they got landed in the middle of an assassination.
Or attempted. They’re honestly really hoping RODNEY was the target and it wasn’t some secret hit from E–
Not worrying about that. JD has bigger worries, right now.
Like the fact that the person who just interrupted them is none other than the gnoll they keep bumping into: FRANKIE.
She steps into the scene with her spiky hair and her fancy clothes, looking, frankly, moody about it.
(faking a voice)
Frankie, do yer daddy a favour an’ go clean up Georgie’s mess. You’re the only one I trust to do it decent.
As if. He’s just tryin’a prove he doesn’t give Emilio all the shit…work…
FRANKIE stops, slowing her frustrated roll as she looks around the space slowly. Her gnoll nose doing a little…
What… The…?
JD grits their teeth. Of course she’d smell the bleach they covered this place in, cleaning up the bloody mess. Anyone with even a shit sense of smell could catch the sharp burn in their nostrils… Or other smelling-appendages.
Okay, so she’s going to deduce someone was here…
A pause, because even from here JD can hear the driers going with their clothes in them.
Okay so she’s going to know someone is still here.
What the fuck are they going to do? They glance down at themself… They’re about ninety percent sure she’s seen them in this face. Was it back at JAKOBIE’s? They’re almost sure she’s seen the lashunta before. They could shift to the orc again, maybe she isn’t hurt about the fact that they left without saying goodbye that one morning…
Not their finest moment.
Okay, bad idea, maybe they need to shape-shift into something she hasn’t seen before. What are the odds she’d walk in on some shmoe cleaner, right? Keep everything coincidental.
Or they could slip out the back door… Though she’d probably see them stepping out, the line of sight’s clear as day. And with the amount of cleaner everywhere she’ll definitely be checking the closet for clues.
This is… Entirely JD’s speculation. And overthink.
But they settle to shape-shift into something else that still fits their jumpsuit. Their gnoll maybe? They don’t generally use this one outside of work, but this now is work and maybe if they emerge innocently like this, she won’t be too put off by another gnoll cleaning up a mess… Her mess, apparently.
The only issue is, as they shift, they knock into something that clatters and it’s not terribly loud… They might have even gotten away with it if it was a human out there but when they flick their glance back up to FRANKIE her ears twitch.
She reaches for a gun… Wait–shit–of course she’d have a GUN on hand. But they don’t have a second because she catches their eye in the closet and without thinking they shut the door with a slam.
Yeah. She definitely heard that.
Even on a job, JD isn’t usually the one with the gun, aside from that one snipe-shot they made months back. But hey, this is FRANKIE. Hand in their pants a few mornings ago…
…Yeah maybe they won’t lead with that.
Okay, alright. Look, you’re cornered buddy, come on out and we can have a nice little chat.
She snickers in a way that suggests that maybe she’s not really intending on having a nice little chat with them.
JD grits their teeth and looks around, really wishing windows were mandatory in janitor closets right about now… But there isn’t even a duct or a vent in here to slip into–
So how well d’ya think yer flimsy door is gonna hold up to my lazer fire?
Okay–okay. Wait–shit.
Outside the closet, FRANKIE’s ears twitch, she narrows her gaze, there’s something familiar about that voice…
JD–inside the closet–takes a deep breath. They’re not the most sociable but maybe they can turn this around. They at least know FRANKIE…enough. They can get her not to shoot them.
Look, I’m unarmed. I’m stepping out now.
JD takes a deep breath and twists the handle to open the door. They step out, hands up at their sides to show that they aren’t hiding any sort of weapon on their person–and if they are they’re not in a position to reach for it. FRANKIE cocks her gun in a fashion JD was only slightly prepared she might do but instead of pulling the trigger she hesitates, lowers the gun and eyes them like she might recognise them…
Shoot. JD scrambles to remember now, a niggling little feeling at the back of their brain, they’re only mostly sure they hadn’t met FRANKIE with this face. But maybe they’re wrong.
And then it hits them. There was that one time they slammed into her trying to get away from FOXTROT… Boy that’s almost a lifetime ago now.
FRANKIE’s curious look breaks into a smug little grin as she looks them over, approvingly, at least she’s not making it too subtle to even guess that that’s what she’s doing. Hm, maybe she doesn’t remember, actually. She’s just flirty.
Well, well. Fancy bumping into you here.
Oh–no she definitely remembers.
Ah, sharp memory.
I never forget a pretty face.
FRANKIE has that look that time that sends an inconspicuous little ripple up their spine. Thank god they didn’t pick the orc or kept the lashunta or that would have given them away five minutes in. As a gnoll, this only fluffs up their fur which is natural for the species when flustered or frustrated.
JD really needs to get it together here or she’s going to walk all over them before they’re through. But man, there’s just something about FRANKIE. They almost wish they had on a face she’s flirted with before–
Focus. JD.
They really hope this reads frustrated, but they know FRANKIE is a lot more observant than she lets on.
So what’s got you cleaning up a mess in the ol’ whirlpool, huh?
Had laundry to do.
They nod over to the driers still running. FRANKIE’s smirk hardens as she loosely aims the gun in their direction. She casts a brief glance over to the driers which are, in fact, still running with JD’s laundry in them, probably near-done now, before she flicks her gaze back to them.
Yer a funny guy, huh.
Everyone’s saying so, yeah.
FRANKIE’s grin hardens, almost irritated under all that confident charisma.
Well, I’ve got a gun so I think I get to be the funny guy, here. I’m asking one more time, what are you doing here?
Look, I wish I was lying but that’s the honest truth.
FRANKIE narrows her eyes.
And nothing else happened?
She isn’t an idiot, they know she can smell the bleach but they’re not really sure they want to admit to cleaning up a crime. The longer this conversation goes on and the longer she stalls along with them the more it doesn’t seem like she wants to pull that trigger.
Some guy passed the cleaner through here.
FRANKIE’s ears go flat and JD would be lying if they didn’t find that glare she’s giving them a little bit endearing.
Look. I know that you know there was a hit here and now I’m letting you know I’m not an idiot, so. You either get talking or I shoot ya and clean up the mess I was supposed to clean up. Capisce?
JD sighs. Okay, alright, enough messing around.
I don’t know anything about a hit, but if you put the gun away I can explain.
FRANKIE eyes them, suspiciously. Looks like something about them is piquing her interest. What could be–oh.
The voice…they tend forget to give themself a new voice when they rush a shift.
You said you’re unarmed?
Arright then, hands a little higher, let me check ya.
JD eyes that gun in her hand but relents lifting their hands up higher as FRANKIE approaches them, and presses the barrel to their chest, giving them a dangerous smile.
No funny business now.
FRANKIE’s free hand is deft, thorough. She slips it into each of their front pockets and they hold their breath trying to keep their flustered shifting in check. She holds their gaze and JD swears there’s a hint of amusement in there as she checks their back pockets, watching them sweat.
JD’s memories about the night as the orc are really coming back in full force right now. They grit their teeth trying to focus on the gun to their chest.
They really should be more nervous than they are.
You scared?
…should I be?
FRANKIE chuckles quietly but doesn’t answer. She pats them down and luckily finds they’re all clear.
Hmm. Not entirely a liar. That’s a relief.
She gives their face a not-so-gentle pat before trailing her finger along their snout and pushing it down so they have to meet her gaze again.
Have a seat. Start with you’re name, need something to match this face.
She flicks their chin and steps back. She holsters her gun and leans against the machines that aren’t running.
JD takes a cautious step back before they take a seat on one of the many in here for folks who might be waiting around. They take a breath and fidget with their e-cig, twirling it between their fingers.
FRANKIE watches them, harder to read.
Hi, my name’s JD and I’m just a gnoll whose dirty laundry pile was getting too big and thought, ‘maybe I ought to do that this Fourthday night before we hit the weekend’.
Normally they wouldn’t push their luck but FRANKIE hasn’t shot them yet and has been nothing but amenable. They’re getting the feeling she maybe even likes them a little bit.
And they really have nowhere else to be tonight so they keep going even though FRANKIE’s ears are bending irritably. She’s trying to keep a straight face and can’t seem to decide if she wants to kill them or keep listening.
JD figures they’ll gamble a little longer.
So, instead of staying home, watching gameshows for the third day in a row like some sort of hermit. I decided to pack up my dirt and mosey my way over to the nearest laundromat, which happens to be the Whirlpool.
They should have lied a bit here about how close this is to their place. Oh well, they’ll play it off. They don’t usually get so candid but now she’s got them rambling.
So I step right on in here. Little nod to Rod who owns the place. Put my laundry in, and I wait. Rod does a little spruce, little clean. Tells me off for smoking in here, says its my fault for making a stink. Heads out for a bit, maybe his own smoke break outside.
FRANKIE eyes them, really watching them for any sort of lie. Most of it is technically the truth but if there’s anything JD is getting real good at it’s dancing around the whole truth.
That it?
Just about, yeah.
Then why were you hiding in the closet? Instead of in this, convenient lil area here?
FRANKIE eyes them, a small smug grin crossing her face.
Well. If you really want me to air out my dirty underwear, Rod was giving me a real hard time so I snooped a little. I thought you were him coming back from his smoke break.
FRANKIE crosses her arms but she knows she’s making them circle a drain that is going to make them admit to cleaning up her mess. They can almost read amusement off her as she watches them, more pointedly.
So, this is a real long smoke he’s taking. When do you think he’ll be back?
JD chews the inside of their cheek. Yeah, alright, they fucked up. There’s not much they could make due with before all this questioning. They don’t wager she’ll be too upset if they admit to it. Not now, at least. JD chuckles.
Probably never.
Yeah. That’s what I thought. What happened to him?
I thought you said you knew there was a hit here.
FRANKIE gives them a look.
Some guy shot him. Through that window. Clear line. Right between the eyes. Bled like a real sonofabitch.
FRANKIE’s eyes widen in wild amusement. She barks out a laugh.
You little fuckin’ shit! Makin’ me work for that confession. I oughta kill you for that!
Yeah but if you were keen on killing me you would have done it by now and had the mess cleaned up.
FRANKIE looks JD over more seriously this time. Intrigued.
Okay, wise guy. What didja do with Rod’s ol’ bod, then?
Back in the office, JD and FRANKIE both peer down at the wrapped bundle of RODNEY RATT’s body, just barely visible through the translucent plastic sheet wrapping.
So… What were you planning on doin’ with it, now?
Waiting for my laundry to be done and head out. This isn’t really any of my business.
FRANKIE glances at them.
Wait you’re actually doin’ laundry out there?
JD looks at her, blinks.
Yeah? Why would I lie about that?
Well you were being such a shit about being a cleaner just figured you were putting up a front.
No… I was seriously just wrong place, wrong time.
Huh… I don’t know if I believe that, but it worked out for me, anyway.
FRANKIE snickers and nudges them. JD rolls their eyes, amused.
Why, what would you have done with it? It’s not like there’s a dumpster back there to toss it in.
Yeah kinda fucks with the plan a bit. I dunno. Gonna set fire to this place, ‘course leaving Rod in here would make it easy.
JD glances at her, leaning against the wall.
Kinda messy, though.
FRANKIE gives them a look raising her eyebrows, incredulous as she crosses her arms.
Alright, smartass what would you do?
JD considers it a little bit before they shrug.
There’s a chute, couple blocks away from here, this guy’s small enough he might fit. Send him down to Botscrap or wherever it goes. It’d give the Stewards a run-around.
FRANKIE blinks, surprised she was given a decent answer.
Okay, and all the paperwork and shit?
Oh, now we’re talking a real clean sweep.
Yeah. If I was gonna wipe the place of anything suspicious.
JD eyes her, a small smile crossing their face.
Little trash fire for paper, quick program to delete the digital footprint. Make it the last thing you do and then dip.
How’d you know there’s a chute if you’re just here for laundry, huh?
I looked it up after the guy got shot. The walk’s a bit much so I was gonna nix it, this is not really my problem or my business.
Your problem now, startin’ to become your business, you need a job?
Not really. Got one, pretty good at it.
FRANKIE looks almost disappointed at the revelation. JD looks away with a bigger smile of their own, it’s nice to be appreciated, IZ only doles out so much of it. Doesn’t want it to go to your head.
Who you work for? My boss can probably pay ya double.
JD chuckles.
You poaching?
FRANKIE gasps.
I’d never!
She snickers though, unable to keep a straight face. JD shakes their head, amused.
Well, anyway, if you ask real nice, I can help you for this one. There’s no real evidence digital or paper. I’ll just grab my laundry… Maybe even point out that chute for you.
What’s in it for you, if you do, huh?
Bored, got a story to tell after all this.
Cleanin’ up a crime’s not a good enough story?
JD chuckles quietly.
Look, you want the help or not? I’m offering.
FRANKIE pushes herself up off the wall and approaches them, an amused little smirk on her face as she fingers the collar of their jumpsuit. She gives them a look they can only describe as innocent but JD is sure there are ulterior motives.
JD… Would ya be ever so kind as to help a poor, innocent, little lady clean up this big bad mess?
JD considers it for a long moment, they doubt it’s making her sweat, sure she probably already knows she’s got them wrapped around her finger. But the acting is still fun anyway.
Mm… Yeah, alright.
FRANKIE scoffs and swats their shoulder.
You’re a shit. C’mon lets fix this up so we can get the fuck outta here.
FRANKIE turns to get to work. JD watches her with an amused little smile before they follow suit.
The two spend time stockpiling all the paperwork in here. There isn’t much. Most of it is on a computerised system. JD stares into the screen with FRANKIE over their shoulder watching them work as they explain what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. She rolls her eyes and calls them a nerd.
FRANKIE sits on one of the waiting chairs chatting up a storm while JD empties the driers of their laundry, folding it up and putting them in the sack they brought their dirty clothes in. They’re smiling along and listening to her go off about her funny little escapades all over ABSALOM STATION. She’s charismatic but, JD is pretty sure some of these stories are lies… Or at least exaggerations of the truth. They don’t mind it, somehow it makes her all the more endearing.
Outside the WHIRLPOOL WASH, FRANKIE and JD set a trashcan on fire with whatever few scraps of paper they scrounged up in the WHIRLPOOL WASH. JD slings their laundry over their shoulder and FRANKIE does the same with a mysterious sack (just kidding, its Rod’s Dead Bod in there). FRANKIE doesn’t even seem bothered by the dead weight, instead she starts off, gesturing for JD to follow, and they do.
JD and FRANKIE walk along with their sacks of supposed laundry. At least that’s what it looks like, thanks to JD’s laundry bag over their shoulder. FRANKIE’s bundle is made less conspicuous in comparison… Even less so when she gets JD to carry it for her.
They carry both bundles more or less the entire five blocks before they reach the chute.
JD was right, it’s big enough to fit the ysoki’s body… It’s actually big enough to fit a lot of things in there. They try not to think about what kind of corner they potentially backed themself into. Glad when FRANKIE just clamps the cover of the chute shut and dusts her hands off.
Good riddance.
Rest in peace, Rod.
FRANKIE snickers.
Nah, fuck that guy.
JD glances at the chute.
Sorry, Rod. I take it back.
They walk by FRANKIE who giggles, following after them, back out into the street.
Well, I’m out. Was nice doing a crime with you.
JD chuckles, amused, as fun as this night has been, they can’t risk getting any sloppier with FRANKIE. They’re not sure who she works for, but anyone who isn’t BITECLAW is an automatic competitor.
Time to put an end to it. JD turns away from FRANKIE but they’re stopped when she grips their sleeve.
Wait, c’mon. Can’t I buy you a drink or somethin’? You… Saved my hide back there a bit.
JD shifts the weight of their laundry to remind her they’ve got to get back and she quickly grasps for something to keep them there.
Don’t you even want to know my name? Ya didn’t even ask.
Didn’t want to spoil your secret.
FRANKIE hesitates even more, lingering, refusing to let them go, grasping internally for something.
I mean, sure, but like, that’s still rude you wouldn’t even try asking.
JD concedes a little.
Alright, what’s your name?
FRANKIE raises an eyebrow.
Wouldn’t you like to know.
JD shakes their head crooked smile spreading across their face as they, turn away again only for her grip on them to get tighter.
I’m kidding! You can call me Frankie.
JD looks her over, lingering, maybe holding the image of her in their mind. It seems like some force on ABSALOM STATION keeps bringing the two of them together…even if she doesn’t entirely know… and JD doesn’t believe in that sort of thing… Not really.
The longer they stick around, though… The deeper they get in with her. JD can feel a moment of weakness sitting right under their feet. They could honestly cave, go off for drinks, talk and talk, pretend like they have some normal life. IZ’s words sit for a minute: Enjoy your spoils for a change. Visit friends and family.
JD thinks of their phones, filled with contacts and nobody to talk to.
It’s just… Safer that way.
Have a nice night, Frankie.
The words ache as they say them, worse when they watch the disappointment take over FRANKIE. She’s lingered on them long enough she lets go, embarrassed.
They hate it. They hate doing that to her.
Yeah, you too, JD.
She grins but it doesn’t hit her eyes like it has been all night. She turns away before they can offer her any consolation, waving a hand as she shoves the other in her pocket.
See ya around, then.
Her voice is light, and carefree. Off to celebrate, probably. JD watches her turn the corner, pinned to their spot by the laundry’s load on their shoulder that honestly only feels like it’s gotten heavier.
JD swallows the pit in their throat and kicks themself all the way home. They made the right choice.
Didn’t they?
Well it’s sure been a few months… Maybe even a year since they’ve been here. JD climbs up the old scaffolding to a crusty billboard advertising some drink that hasn’t been around since they’ve landed on the station.
BEPIS! Feel the TASTE! Is advertised in faded lettering paired with a human who is having the time of their life drinking it. It’s advertised that the new flavour is ~Star Dragon~ whatever that means.
JD, looking more undead than human, shifts their shape back into their base form as they take a seat in front of the sign. They stick their legs out of the rusty railing and set their drink and snack aside. They take a deep breath and look out towards the rest of PIPETOWN.
Well. I was told to visit old friends, so. Here I am.
This, felt like a good idea before they left the apartment, but now it’s starting to feel real pathetic as they glance up to the faded hues and peeling paint.
They shift their orange gaze over to a tattered, dusty old pillow and threadbare blanket. As they crack open their drink and take a swig, making a face.
They lean back against the billboard, pull a pack of old cigarettes from their pocket and take a second to light one. The hit pushes the feelings they’ve been trying to keep at bay for a moment or two.
But this moment is starting to just feel sad. They really need to stop fucking around on the job. They’re not sure how many more breaks like this they can take.
It’s been two weeks since their work phone went silent and IZ forced them to take it easy. They’ve been keeping to their word but it’s been…
Well anyway.
They look over to the blanket and pillow, sighing smoke before they peer out to the glittering network of piping and lights catching off metal.
They’d appreciate it if it didn’t also make them feel so alone. Everyone out there’s got someone to talk to. All the guys at work do… Even in the crime scenes.
They pull up their personal comm, swiping M’s newest message away.
They honestly wish they had gotten FRANKIE’s number the other night at the wash. Was nice having someone who got the whole crime thing but wasn’t exactly connected.
JD mulls this thought over, alternating between sipping their drink and dragging their smoke until both have hit the dregs. They put their smoke out on their sandal and let the butt drop down into the mysterious piping.
You really haven’t changed much, have you?
The darkness glares back, pitch black and writhing, hey watch as it grabs at their feet and threatens to pull them in.
JD blinks and the darkness is gone and they’re staring down at a tight network of piping that folds in on itself. JD shakes their head and sighs as they pull their work comm from their pocket.
PIQUE: [job in the fifth junction. won’t make it. you close?]
JD eyes the text, surprised, but answers: [yea, when?]
PIQUE: [fifteen]
JD: [omw, send it over]
JD is already partway down the scaffolding, without saying goodbye to the old friend they came to visit.
This isn’t a normal fix. This job. JD’s crept up on some fire escape to the off-set roof of some nookish building. They’re the one setting up the rifle this time, no scope to give them away.
JD’s smarter than the guy who took the hit on ROD. It’s been hours, though, of this waiting. They saw the guy go into the thick of the pipeworks, through a little green door under a sign that says, LOU’S LOOP HOLE. JD’s starting to wonder if the walk-up was their shot they missed. But PIQUE said it was a bit of a stake-out, he didn’t have much information on the guy otherwise.
Admittedly, sitting up here, peering down into windows they can barely see through. JD’s starting to wonder at the subtle circular irony of their life.
Also, damn they really need to invest into some night vision augment. They can see decently in low-lighting but it sure wouldn’t be a bad thing to have.
Ah. Here we go. Rooftop out-hang, kind of like a balcony if the balcony had the worst view imaginable. Human guy, middle of his lifecycle.
Well, end, technically.
JD watches him stall, drink falling from his hand, slumping against the railing. A lashunta woman tries to catch him.
But when she looks up, JD is already gone and slipping through the nearest deep dark crevice.
They tell PIQUE it’s done, PIQUE congratulates them. He tells IZ, she pays JD and the sum is twenty this time, but somehow even the high on credits doesn’t quite hit like it did the first time.
JD leans against the kitchen counter. They toss aside another finished TV dinner of slop into a trash bin that’s been collecting many of them. There’s only one light on, over the stove. Bathing a small part of the place in an incandescent glow. They light their e-cigarette and hold the smoke in for a moment, letting it burn through them.
SFX: Tap… Tap… Tap.
They fidget with a cred stick. Turning it in their fingers and tapping it against the counter. Like their very own ticking clock. There’s still an unknown number of hours before their next call. The next job. Whenever that may be.
JD takes another drag trying to fend off the way the darkness clings to their skin, shutting their eyes to the feel of the pod hitting their system.
It doesn’t numb as well as it used to. Or maybe it numbs too much, they’re not sure.
They exhale.
(as they exhale)
Hhhhfuck it.
They push off the counter, stick the e-cig in their pocket, grab their coat and slam the door behind them as they leave.
A patra sits at a bar they don’t even know the name of. They’re all grey, glowing orange eyes, dressed in the outfit JD was wearing before–casual, dressed down, leather jacket this time. Enough to look good but not too good, JD’s gotten a knack of looking particularly unnoticeable.
They sit at the bar hardly sipping a drink, scanning the crowd, looking for someone. Hopelessly. They saw her come in here like once maybe weeks ago. Maybe it was a fluke, that time. A friend’s idea.
JD isn’t even really sure what they’re doing anymore. It’s stupid really. Absolutely stalker-levels of awful.
They’re not sure if it’s worse, or better when they look to the door when it opens next and FRANKIE steps inside. A shot of electricity jolts straight through them. Okay… Maybe this was extremely dumb luck or, their observational skills have only gotten sharper with work.
She’s with someone, laughing. Another gnoll. Looks like a popular type, maybe JD’s seen them before. Their eyes are just on FRANKIE, though, watching as she drags her companion over to the bar. Several seats down, there’s a couple alien between JD and the other two.
JD tries not to stare but they can’t help wonder if she’s with the other gnoll or if she’s just hanging out with them for the night.
Not that it matters. It shouldn’t matter. They sip their drink and find that they’re disappointed anyway. Don’t get your hopes up.
FRANKIE catches their eye across the way and smirks. JD turns their gaze down to their drink and rubs a hand down their face. This is crazy. What would they even say to her?
When they cast another glance in her direction, FRANKIE and her companion are gone. JD makes a sweeping look across the room and catches her, drink in hand, chatting up her companion. Hm… Looks more friendly than flirty–
I’d be careful with that one.
JD jolts nearly out of their skin before they turn to the bartender–human guy–with a halfhearted grin. Caught in their spying, and though the bartender can’t possibly know their history with FRANKIE at this point, they immediately feel guilty.
Oh, yeah?
Heard her bite’s just as bad as her bark.
They drop their gaze to the drink they’re only half-drinking, swirling the contents in the glass but not really seeing it in front of them. JD supposes they did come out here looking for her, and the odds played in their favour… Haven’t they? Maybe that force pulling the two of them together is worth listening to.
The feeling is soured by a memory.
M [VO]
Don’t rely on feelings. This is how mistakes are made.
They knock back the last of the drink in the glass and the way it burns on the way down they just know they’re going to regret it later.
Hm. Usually folks get up and do their little, ‘watch and learn’ saunter after knocking a drink back like that.
JD glances to the BARTENDER and pushes the glass away.
Not much of a saunterer.
The BARTENDER cleans up their mess, looking JD over as they pull the e-cig out of their pocket, tapping it against the bar. Before the BARTENDER can say anything they add:
I know, no smoking in here.
Beat me to the punch.
JD shrugs, they glance over their shoulder at the other two, laughing and sure wish they were more the type to saunter than to overthink.
But here they are, overthinking.
JD turns their attention back to the BARTENDER who sets up two new glasses in front of them.
I didn’t order those.
On the house. You look like you could use it. Call it liquid courage for a reason.
JD eyes the BARTENDER warily as they finish pouring two new drinks.
Thought folks were supposed to drink them for it to work as liquid courage.
Ah, what do I know. I’m just the keeper.
They wink and step away, leaving JD with two drinks.
For a moment JD thinks and the next they decide to stop, thinking. Fine. They take the drinks, dipping into the crowd, shifting their shape around in the mess and make their way toward FRANKIE’s table, looking like the gnoll she met last.
And then they do something they’ve never done before. They stop at her table, casually place the glasses down, glance to her date and then to FRANKIE. They watch her face light up at the sight of them and nearly lose their cool. They wink and step back into the throng of dancers.
FRANKIE stares after them, small grin going wild on her face as her companion gasps.
Frankie, what the fuck?
The BARTENDER finishes up with a couple other customers, handing over drinks with a warm smile. They turn to the seat the patra was at, and wipe it down for the next patron. They peer out into the crowd, looking for that patra, in the throng of dancing bodies before their eyes settle on the gnoll the patra was watching earlier. FRANKIE. She’s a handful and a half that one. She laughs with her cousin until another gnoll steps up to the table and sets down the two drinks the BARTENDER made earlier for the patra.
The BARTENDER wipes away at that mess on the counter, distractedly with the rag that was once over their shoulder. Their eyes trail down from the gnolls at the table, the one handing off the drinks and slipping away, to the seat their patra friend was sitting in just a few moments ago.
A realisation dawns on them and a curious little smile crosses their face.
JD steps out into the cooler air, lighting up their e-cigarette and grinning like an idiot because they’re replaying the smile FRANKIE had on her face when she saw them.
They pull out of the doorway, leaning against some of the piping nearby as the racing of their heartbeat clamours in their chest and they chuckle quietly to themself in sheer disbelief.
It’s only a few minutes into their smoke and them calming their nerves before JD watches FRANKIE step out of the bar, alone, looking around until her eyes meet their’s.
And boy, does that smile ever light up her face.